Wednesday 20 June 2012

Nature enthralls beyond measure!!!

I see through my tiny little windows, the mighty world as adorned by the Mighty Creator, the Magnificent Painter, and discover pretty soon; that my soul is irrevocably and irretrievably in love with the mesmerizing beauties and breath-taking processes so generously embedded, sprinkled and hung over out planet Earth.

Embroiled in this fancy thought, all contact with the uglier side associated with the dwellers of this land, loses its tentacular grip over the senses. The senses thus relieved breathe in the delicate warmth and over-powering nascent heavenliness exuding out of every single atom destined to be a part of our environs. Deep, ecstatic, sublime and beyond rational cognizance are the processes behind these beauties which we internalize through our senses. As wonder settles itself deep within the rational mind,all that is in and out, fully animate or partially touched by life, dances to the miraculously serene tune so lovingly composed by nature, wherein all lies at peace; synchronized perfectly into one indiscernible blend. No mind can ever fathom the ripples of sensations produced as a result of the encounter with Gods bounties. If this be awe-striking and soul- inspiring, what then would paradise be !!!

Surprising it is not, when the eye finds all of the earths mind-boggling adornments bowing down in Unison to the Exalted, surrendering and saying a silent prayer of gratitude carefully laced with love.

The life sustaining waters, the fortuitous moon, the mystifying greens with their medicinal prowess, the crusty much endowed land, the flirting imperious mountains, all intimate a truth so deafeningly loud of the greatness of the Creator, that all the logic and reasoning so assiduously crafted by our incapable minds,  fail to silence it.

"Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny? "
(Surah Ar Rahman)


  1. I liked the choice of words in your writing. Nice:) Truly an admirer of nature huh!

    1. tahnx :) yeah nothing more captivating than nature :)

  2. I wish everyone could see the world through your little windows!!
    its a wonderful description of the nature, I am completely lost in it!!

    Cheers )

  3. ciao...
    gracias :) bienvenido :)
    4give me if i hv messesd up wid the language...
