Monday 26 March 2012

I saw a mad man walking.....


What is sanity? No…rather who is sane should ask I !!!!
I saw a mad man walking, topless, bald, covered in grime, talking…an intra-personal talk, definitely misunderstanding and misinterpreting messages, silently treading on incomprehensible pathways towards unknown destinations. Or was he being misunderstood by the selfish world??? This thought irked my oft-slumbering and adamantly indifferent neurons.
This man, who presumably was driven to insanity by the unforgiving tests of time and shunned heartlessly by the world, somehow appeared to me then, saner than many self-proclaimed geniuses.
In the highly sophisticated world where we live, all that falls away from the angle of incidence is not only beyond perception for many but is also very conveniently and abruptly shoved into the reign of madness; an ailment that has no cure, no companion and therefore no existence. Only the popular and widely acclaimed ideas no matter how absurd, see the light of acceptance. Our pious souls, intellectual minds and civilized lives have no room for aberration, no room for dissension, and certainly no room for abnormality.
How Ironic, we who seem to have lost track of the right track, of humanity, humility, forgiveness and magnanimity still boisterously claim sanity ???!!!!! The trajectory of righteousness seldom crosses our unmindful, materialistic lives and if ever it does, it is carefully and artfully avoided.
Mad is not he who is medically pronounced a mad-man, who moves along numb to his surroundings, who knows not of his whereabouts, but it is indeed us who despite the immense reservoir of knowledge gathered and sorted so painstakingly over the years, know not where from and where to we descend and head.
How LOST, how totally APATHETIC, how CRAFTY, yet SANE are WE…wondered I as the mad man crossed the street and disappeared in the crowd of sensible men !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!
    InSanity defined with a stroke of mastery over Sarcasm!

    undoubtedly it's an eyeopener for the so-called sensible and civilized class of our society.....
