Tuesday 8 November 2011

My petite gallery !!!

Sometimes words cant xpress what colors and strokes can... i like playing with them and i wish i could (if i had more time and resolve enough to ditch procrastination) ... sniff through all the hues and let the imagination take shape...!!!

Pencil sketches....

On Canvas 

wish i cud master this art an get rid af all the flaws......:)


  1. these are beautiful LUVd them all

  2. I love the pencil sketches as they tell a tale!
    I am awed by the canvas work, its simply marvellous! Superb :-)

  3. you are really artistic. your creativity also appears in your poems.

    visit my blog please!

  4. This is beautiful art. You are a great artist in my eyes.

  5. thank you Fotokarusellen... i really appreciate your comment :)

    Tahnx Tariq Mian
    yes i will..its alwaz a pleasure :)

  6. I lykd all d sketches. Dey r not jst sketches dey depict some story, somethg interestig. Marvellous!
    U r not jst d 1 who play wid words which can b seen in ur peoms 2 describe d situations, but U r also n absolute artist. No Wordz :)

  7. @ Hassan...
    thank u soo much.... but there a big margin of improvement..

  8. There are so SO SO beautiful :)

    Your new follower.
    care to follow back :)?

    1. thanx for joining in :)
      n thanx 4 appreciating :)

  9. avecwings, the most beautiful picture is the first one. i could not comprehend the expression of child in the middle who faces the viewer i thought it may be bewilderement or pride or sorrow or indifference or just a dangerous innocence of age. the details like the shadows and the girl's hair falling on her forehead, the scratches on the window and even the lines on the woodpane of the window are marvellous.

    the trees in the second one are somewhat dull and the windmill(i hope its a windmill) in the third one is wonderfully drawn.

    the way the background has been faded in the fourth picture gives an idea that the lady is emerging out of her mysterious past.

    while the eyes caught my weary eye and held it for long, just two things in that beautiful portrait made it a little less than perfect, the pointy shoulder and too dark finger lines.
    i wonder how many times you may have thought about removing that spot on her right cheek. it is a great detail, rightly placed and the foggy feet in the backgound and fine strands of her hair make the picture very grand. only word for the smile is lovely.

    last sketch looks like an italian village where air is rosy.

    1. Thank you soo v much for your soo thoughtful comments...they have been received with utmost humbleness and gratitude :)
      As regards the expression of the boy, i believe its a blend of all, the pointed shoulder has been well pointed out and the dark lines too... m more than glad for this little critique :)

      I appreciate your detailed observation, its has given me a new impetus...
      your knowledge and artistic evaluation of my much flawed and amateurish work has helped me learn...something I always look 4waed to
      thanx again!

    2. actually i have no knowledge at all : )

    3. this reminds me of...

      "knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
      wisdom is humble tht he knows no more" :)
