Friday 31 August 2012

YOU !!!!!

I saw thee in wilderness,
As hope, hiding beneath rotten leaves,
As purity, glowing in the midst of filth,
As solace, rejoicing over turbulent waters,
As innocence, puckered in the folds of treachery,

As wisdom, resting amid perfectly curved wrinkles,
As beauty, smiling in the bosom of death....
When the leaf twirls,
A story ends,
When sin dies,
Love is born,
Satiated, satiated cries the earth!!!!


  1. beauty? what insspires you to write this treasure?

  2. sorry its beauty! not beauty?

    1. nay u praise too highly.. :)
      hmmmm... many things... the work of God specifically... intangible beauty !

  3. its really difficult to express with such emotions and insight and you have done that in an astounding fashion!!
    the following are the best!!

    When the leaf twirls,
    A story ends,
    When sin dies,
    Love is born,
    Satiated, satiated cries the earth!!!!

  4. Asalamu alaikum,

    heard of the speaking wolf..
